Sunday, December 6, 2009


Professionalism is a title tossed around in every work, school, and volunteer environment. It seems to be in the tag line of every job application, "must be professional." But what is professionalism to you? Each individuals definition of professionalism is different. So how can someone tell me if I'm being professional, when to me, they are simply not professional in my view? It's an ironic twist.

In the news today was the professionalism of hockey referees. They are completely worried for their safety, but still put on the stripes and go out there calling an even toned game. Kids today have tempers like never before, and there's 122 reports this year alone in the Greater Toronto Hockey League to prove it. I think that referees are the definition of the true professional, as they take more abuse than any other position, yet they still manage to keep composed. They continue to get up and go to work. The most amazing part is they still manage to love the game more and more every time they put on that stripped shirt. That's a true professional.

What's not a professional. You are unprofessional if you are someone in authority or power of a group, and practice what are informing those same pupils you should not do. This is also known as a "double standard." Do you have a boss, teacher, parent, or supervisor who does something like this to you?

If you do, you're not alone. We all do. It's how we deal with the situation that makes us become the people we are today. Its the difference between being professional, and being unprofessional.