Sunday, October 11, 2009


Do you remember as a kid hearing about the Edmonton Oiler's of the 1980's or the maybe you're old enough to recall the San Fransisco 49er's of the early 1990's. These are the dynasty's I grew up reading about and watching as I became more and more of a sports fanatic. I never in my wildest imagination dream of witnessing what I am witnessing now. The most amazing individual athlete of the last 100 years. Tiger Woods.

After watching the last two days of the President's Cup, (which is golf's way of promoting country vs country competition) I have realized what a dominant player Tiger Woods actually is. The way the man presents himself to the media, the way he dominates on the golf course, and the way he supports his teammates is absolutely world class. It's his presence that makes other athletes in his competitive field scared to compete at the same event. He brings a persona that is not rivaled by any other athlete of our time.

No wonder sponsors are lined out the door to ink Tiger to a deal. He has the following of most sports fans across the world. His reach to the public is far beyond that of a superstar basketball player, because of the worldwide fan base. It's those fans that pay thousands of dollars to get a glimpse of him that make him so marketable. (And to think my mother got to meet him for free, unbelievable.)

It's when Tiger comes back on the 17Th hole on the third round from a 2 stroke deficit to beat his opponent on the third round of the President's Cup, or when he clinches the win for his country on the final day of the President's cup that makes him that dynasty I never thought I'd see as a kid. That's what Tiger Woods does almost every weekend, and that's why Tiger is the marketing icon that he is.

Tiger Woods is a dynasty.

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