Tuesday, November 17, 2009


Heart isn't a word to be tossed around. Especially by individuals who've never had to dig deep to fully understand what heart is. I'm not talking about the vital organ your body needs in order to pump blood throughout your body. I'm talking about the heart it takes to get up after you've been knocked down, or the ability to pursue a dream when you've only ever known no as an answer but refuse to believe it.

Throughout my life, I have had significant obstacles thrown at me that I never expected. I've watched things I never want anyone to ever see, and I lived through a sure death experience. I know there's people reading this going, ya so what?

The toughest struggle I've had doesn't have anything to do with any of the previous events. It's the in-ability to slow down my passion. It's all that drives me. If I find something that motivates me, then it becomes a passion.

I'm passionate for sports. I'm passionate for fitness and health. I'm passionate for school. I'm passionate for my family. And I'd do anything for my friends. But one thing that scares the bejesus out of me is the "l" word. Thats right, I don't even say it.

I don't say it because I don't really fully understand it's power, and therefore I don't acknowledge it. Most of people's opinions regarding this topic is muddled because they don't know what it is either. Funny thing is you never know when or what is gonna happen and when. Thats the scariest part. The part that's unknown.

But worse than not knowing, is failing. But failing is success according the MJ. I just don't wanna fail anymore than I have too.

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