Sunday, December 6, 2009


Professionalism is a title tossed around in every work, school, and volunteer environment. It seems to be in the tag line of every job application, "must be professional." But what is professionalism to you? Each individuals definition of professionalism is different. So how can someone tell me if I'm being professional, when to me, they are simply not professional in my view? It's an ironic twist.

In the news today was the professionalism of hockey referees. They are completely worried for their safety, but still put on the stripes and go out there calling an even toned game. Kids today have tempers like never before, and there's 122 reports this year alone in the Greater Toronto Hockey League to prove it. I think that referees are the definition of the true professional, as they take more abuse than any other position, yet they still manage to keep composed. They continue to get up and go to work. The most amazing part is they still manage to love the game more and more every time they put on that stripped shirt. That's a true professional.

What's not a professional. You are unprofessional if you are someone in authority or power of a group, and practice what are informing those same pupils you should not do. This is also known as a "double standard." Do you have a boss, teacher, parent, or supervisor who does something like this to you?

If you do, you're not alone. We all do. It's how we deal with the situation that makes us become the people we are today. Its the difference between being professional, and being unprofessional.

Sunday, November 29, 2009


Imagine yourself as an elite athlete, ranked number one in the world. You have just be named the highest paid athlete of all time. You are on top of the world.

Then one night you get in a fight with your wife. You decide to leave your residence because your frustration is not best suited to be inside. Then the worst happens, you crash.

Welcome to Tiger Woods today.

Friday November 27, 2009 Tiger Woods left his residence at 2:25 a.m. in his Cadillac Escalade. He then smashed the vehicle into a fire hydrant, followed by a tree. His wife, noticing Tiger was injured, came out with Tiger's golf clubs and smashed the back window. She then pulled him out and took him to the hospital.

Since Friday morning all of the sports media networks have been broadcasting the accident on an hourly basis. Tiger today released a statement about how he is handling the situation, and why he hasn't spoken with police. His lawyer has been handling the situation professionally, and has stated that Tiger is concentrating on getting better.

It's unfortunate that Tiger is being bombarded with different media outlets on a daily basis while trying to recover to concentrate what's most important to him, golf. I completely understand where he's coming from, and maybe we as a society should just give him a little more recovery space. Then we wouldn't need an answer, he'd probably just give one.

Sunday, November 22, 2009


I always hear that you "create your own fate" and I have a problem with that. I mean within reason it is relatively true. But can you control that your brother has a brain aneurysm? Or can you control that your grandfather gets cancer, twice? I don't believe so.

But the craziest part is that I watched them both go through it. I watched the human spirit survive in situations where they aren't suppose to. They were determined to win. Even with the odds stacked completely against them, they would not give in. I watched my brother get out of a hospital bed when he was suppose to be completely paralyzed on the left side of his body. He was so determined to walk again he did whatever he physically could. He tried everyday to stand until he could. I now watch my brother two years later running a mile, when he was told he wouldn't regain feeling in his left side ever again.

I watched my grandfather get out of bed when the chemotherapy had taken everything out of him. But he refused to miss the family that came to visit him and sacrificed himself to make sure he could put on a smile when they came. He told me "I can't lose to a situation that everyone else does. That would make me average. My whole life I've been above average, so how can I let your grandmother be another widow statistic? I can't."

With that kind of determination in my blood how do I even consider quitting anything? I can't. It's not even an option. Therefore when someone tells you that you control your own fate, maybe you should tell them a story about how your friend beat this, or your dad beat that. Even when all odds said no, they defied what it means to be determined. Therefore it's fate for them to have lived through the unexpected and change me into the person I've become today.

Who changed you to become the person you are today? Because that's fate. You don't get to choose that. It just happens.

The amazing part about life, is you'll never know who'll change you tomorrow.

Tuesday, November 17, 2009


Heart isn't a word to be tossed around. Especially by individuals who've never had to dig deep to fully understand what heart is. I'm not talking about the vital organ your body needs in order to pump blood throughout your body. I'm talking about the heart it takes to get up after you've been knocked down, or the ability to pursue a dream when you've only ever known no as an answer but refuse to believe it.

Throughout my life, I have had significant obstacles thrown at me that I never expected. I've watched things I never want anyone to ever see, and I lived through a sure death experience. I know there's people reading this going, ya so what?

The toughest struggle I've had doesn't have anything to do with any of the previous events. It's the in-ability to slow down my passion. It's all that drives me. If I find something that motivates me, then it becomes a passion.

I'm passionate for sports. I'm passionate for fitness and health. I'm passionate for school. I'm passionate for my family. And I'd do anything for my friends. But one thing that scares the bejesus out of me is the "l" word. Thats right, I don't even say it.

I don't say it because I don't really fully understand it's power, and therefore I don't acknowledge it. Most of people's opinions regarding this topic is muddled because they don't know what it is either. Funny thing is you never know when or what is gonna happen and when. Thats the scariest part. The part that's unknown.

But worse than not knowing, is failing. But failing is success according the MJ. I just don't wanna fail anymore than I have too.

Sunday, November 15, 2009


Failure is a word used to describe a situation that didn't meet expectations of any sort. All of us have failed at some point in our lives. We struggled to meet the goals we have made for ourselves. Whether that has been individually, as a collaborative, or as a team, we've all failed. But the problem with failing is that in some of us, it instills fear. Fear of failing again, and again, and again. The mentality then takes over and limits us from trying to be successful.

Michael Jordan claims that due to missing over 3,000 shots in his career, its made him successful. The duty of having millions of people watching you take the final shot for your team has to be daunting. Especially when you are considered a legend, and legends aren't suppose to make mistakes. Michael took that shot on many of occasions with the game in his hands. He failed to make that shot 26 times. I don't think I've failed to do anything more than 5 times without completely losing my composure, and he did it 26 times. I did it in front of no one but myself, and he did it in front of millions of people.

It was Michael's drive to succeed that let him overcome his fear of failing. He was willing to do absolutely anything to become the greatest player of all time. But through that drive he became more than the greatest basketball player. He became an iconic figure to North American society. How many friends do you have in your life that resemble that quality? Does your role model? Do you?

A long time ago I decided that I couldn't let fear distract me from my goals. That in order for me to break plateaus I had to know that there was no limits. Limits are restrictions, and restrictions are fear based by-products. I don't want to be afraid to do anything in my life. Whether that be love, school, career, family, or friends. I want to be able to laugh without consequence, shoot for the stars, help a friend, love unconditionally, and be a good role model. But if fear gets in the way, I can't. Therefore we cannot allow it to be a restriction for us in meeting our goals.

Don't be afraid to let your emotions out. Don't be afraid to tell someone what they mean to you. Don't be afraid to follow your dreams. Don't be afraid to apply for that job. Don't be afraid to take the last shot with millions of people watching. Because if you never try, you'll never make it.

Impossible is Nothing.

Thursday, November 5, 2009

Cookies anyone????

Hi today my title is Corey Black, OCAA gold medal winner. Yesterday my title was Corey Black, OCAA silver medal winner. Now you're all probably thinking what the heck are you talking about Corey?
Well yesterday was the OCAA gold medal game, which involved the Loyalist Lancer Men's Rugby team and the Georgian Grizzlies Rugby team. The Loyalist guys came out on top 29-5 and completing the perfect season. With the victory the Lancers finished with a 7-0 record and the OCAA title.
Last year the lancers settled with a silver medal, getting pounded by St. Lawerence vikings in the final. A day that wasn't fresh in the mind of the seniors on this year's gold medal team. It's the frustration of losing that raises us to the passion of winning, and the quest of the "cookie."
If you've ever been to a men's rugby game at Loyalist, I guarantee you've heard a "gimme that cookie" being screamed from the field. The "cookie" represents the ultimate goal of winning a championship and accomplishing your dreams. Giving 100% to something you want so bad you can taste, and my life is full of cookies to get. But you can cross one off the list. An OCAA gold medal. But it's always on to the next one.
Life is about more than just accomplishing your goals. It's about accomplishing your goals, and continuing the pursuit of your life goals. You should always be striving for the next goal, trying to grab that cookie.
Just remember when you go for that goal, that you need to go deeper down and inside scream to yourself "Gimme that cookie."
"The difference between a goal and a dream is writing it down" - Chip Wilson

Sunday, November 1, 2009

Operation Wish!

Have you ever gotten that feeling deep down inside you, that says you're doing the right thing. You know that feeling that makes you feel like you're doing something right not only for yourself, but for others as well? It's the feeling of giving back the skills you possess for a greater good, something more than just your own personal benefit.

I feel lucky and honoured to be working with Tracey Reid on the Operation Wish project this year. The opportunity to give support to a cause I feel passionately about can only help bring strong results to the campaign. But more importantly, I have the opportunity to help bring happiness to the people fighting to keep our country free. An honour I won't soon forget.

Operation Wish is a collaboration between the Canadian Forces and Sears Canada Inc. to send a large 12x4 foot banner to the troops deployed in Afghanistan. On the banner is pictures and signatures of the soldier's families and friends. The banner is then given to the troops on Christmas Day. Soldiers are then given the opportunity to purchase gifts for their families online at for discounted prices only available to the soliders.

This is the type of project that I wouldn't have imagined me doing a few years ago, due to the large intended audience. But because of a great teammate in Tracey, and help from our great program co-ordinator at Loyalist College in the Post-Graduate Public Relations, Kerry Ramsey, anything is possible.

Monday, October 26, 2009

Changing A Life

Have you ever dreamed of taking your hero to school with you?

We all have different heros ranging from Nelson Mandela to Superman. The individual that represents the qualities you wish to possess at some point in your future. It's those heroes we look up to in times of need, and more importantly when we need advice. We question our decisions based on whether or not our role model would have made that same decision.

When I was growing up, I had a few heroes. I always wished I could take one to school. Just so I could show all my friends and classmates how cool I really was. (I mean who doesn't wish they could take Batman to school for just one day, right?) Just for one day I could be the kid who everyone wanted to be. Just once.

Wilson Inc. and the NFL Canada are giving kids the opportunity to be the hero at their school. Kids can take any NFL player in the league, regardless of stature or fame to their school. The day has to fit around the schedule of the player, but I mean I'm sure the child who wins won't be upset if Terrell Owens comes on Tuesday instead of Wednesday.

This has the potential to change the life of the child who wins. Some people spend their whole life wishing to meet their heroes, and here is Wilson Inc. and the NFL offering to do it for a child. Not only one child, but four throughout Canada.

I've seen promotions of individuals trying to kick from half field to win a million dollars, hockey players offering to hold street hockey tournaments for youths, and even athletes willing to donate large sums of money to not-for-profit organizations but I have never seen a promotion that will change the life of a child like this one.

Wilson Inc. and the NFL have created a gem, and the best part of the whole promotion is it's free to enter. When was the last time you got offered to do anything for free? Nevermind meet your hero.

Monday, October 19, 2009

Can Anyone Stop Tom Brady?

I'm sure when the National Football League fans witnessed Tom Brady go down due to a serious knee injury during the first game of the 2008 season there was a serious gasp for air.

Then prior to the season, critics asked if he could return to his NFL Hall of Fame bound form. He came out with an average start as any pro returning from a year long injury would. Producing less than stellar statistics, and more importantly losses. But then, on Sunday October 18, 2009 he showed us the pre-injury Tom Brady. The one that throws touchdowns to any player on the New England Patriots offensive roster at any given time.

He proved that to the point of breaking one NFL record, and matching a record that was set when the NFL merged with the AFL. Tom Brady threw 5 touchdowns in the second quarter of the 59-0 pounding of the Tennessee Titans. He then matched the Patriots record for throwing touchdowns in a single game by tossing 6 touchdowns; which matched his 2007 MVP season record.

The more impressive part was that Tom made the rest of his team look legendary. Especially Randy Moss who has been struggling recently. He threw three touchdown passes to Moss who has been held to just one touchdown this season. That's what made Brady an MVP quarterback in the league only two seasons ago.

And that's why Tom Brady should be an MVP again in 2009.

Sunday, October 11, 2009


Do you remember as a kid hearing about the Edmonton Oiler's of the 1980's or the maybe you're old enough to recall the San Fransisco 49er's of the early 1990's. These are the dynasty's I grew up reading about and watching as I became more and more of a sports fanatic. I never in my wildest imagination dream of witnessing what I am witnessing now. The most amazing individual athlete of the last 100 years. Tiger Woods.

After watching the last two days of the President's Cup, (which is golf's way of promoting country vs country competition) I have realized what a dominant player Tiger Woods actually is. The way the man presents himself to the media, the way he dominates on the golf course, and the way he supports his teammates is absolutely world class. It's his presence that makes other athletes in his competitive field scared to compete at the same event. He brings a persona that is not rivaled by any other athlete of our time.

No wonder sponsors are lined out the door to ink Tiger to a deal. He has the following of most sports fans across the world. His reach to the public is far beyond that of a superstar basketball player, because of the worldwide fan base. It's those fans that pay thousands of dollars to get a glimpse of him that make him so marketable. (And to think my mother got to meet him for free, unbelievable.)

It's when Tiger comes back on the 17Th hole on the third round from a 2 stroke deficit to beat his opponent on the third round of the President's Cup, or when he clinches the win for his country on the final day of the President's cup that makes him that dynasty I never thought I'd see as a kid. That's what Tiger Woods does almost every weekend, and that's why Tiger is the marketing icon that he is.

Tiger Woods is a dynasty.

Sunday, October 4, 2009


It's always on the mind of us as consumers. "Where and when can I achieve the best bang for my buck?" A question that drives us to purchase products over and over again at various locations. But when we go to sporting events to view what we call our "hero's" does value come to mind? Not generally, unless of coarse we are the management team of that organization.

As an athlete, I understand that winning takes time, and practice. (We all remember Allan Iverson's speech about practice.) Time, the key word in producing and winning in any sports specific atmosphere is the second equation. The first equation on every management staffs mind is where can I get the best bang for my buck. The difference is, as a general public we are talking generally at a maximum of $50,000. And that's generally for an automobile. Imagine having a budget of $100,000,000 and trying to produce a championship major league team that has to impress not a family, but a fan base of millions. It's that thinking that makes management teams try and get their best bang for their buck.

The public always hears the negative news when it comes to sports athletes and their under performing. After reading Kelly Dwyer's article, The top 10 value-for-money deals of the last decade, I understand more about the value general manager's are looking for when they go out and sign free agents. It's too bad we as the general public never hear about these types of stories that help promote large salary contracts. It's the feel good stories, like Steve Nash, who took a little less money so that he could be on a championship caliber team. That's the value all teams should be looking for. For that matter, we should as consumers as well.

Maybe one day, right?

Tuesday, September 29, 2009

Sometimes Things Change

I remember not too long ago I promised I would never chase anything but success in my life because it was the only thing that mattered to me. I slowly am realizing how things change. I keep going back to listening to my mother telling me "Corey you never know what's gonna come your way, so don't say things are concrete when really you don't know for sure."

I mean everything my mother tells me I try to take in, as she is my closest friend. But I mean sometimes I am nodding my head thinking "yeah, okay, sure mom."

But lately I've been chasing a few things, and I can't explain what told me to chase it. I just knew that I had too. I knew it deep down in a mushy place that I can't talk about because I don't want my ego to be altered (wink, wink). I feel lucky to have had the opportunity to present itself, and I guess this is where I tell mom she was right. Probably for the millionth time, but its a saying that will remain timelessly rewarding for her. I'll say it once more for you mom. You're right.

Men's Rugby, Game 2

When a team opens the game with a cheer of "undefeated" then it's time to go to work.

The Georgian mens rugby team was demoted from the first division due to their significant point differential from last season. Therefore they are a new comer to our division, and it's the Loyalist Lancers duty to introduce the new comers to the league with their first loss.

Mission Accomplished.

The team went up to Barrie with high expectations from a Georgian team that had defeated last years champs in St. Lawerence. We knew we had to compete at our highest level, and that we did. We dominated the game from beginning to end with Georgian having very little offense throughout the game. It was exactly what the Lancers needed. A big win on the road against a very arrogant Georgian team.

Final score was 7-0 which is not an indication of how the game was played, but it's still a victory. I want to end on a quote from Nick Imrie, when a sideline fan from Georgian said "This is the best they have, and they still aren't beating us." Nick replied with "Actually pal, two of our best players are on the other sideline and I think you're really going to be in trouble when we play next. Big trouble."


Friday, September 25, 2009

Flower ladies

I'm telling you, from a man's perspective the ladies who work at flower shops are underpaid, extremely under paid.

I went in and got some flowers on Tuesday, with expectations of getting the usual man picked terrible bouquet. Then this wonderful woman comes up to me and asks if I need some help. First thing that comes to mind "Uh Duh, I'm a man in a flower shop, what was the first hint?"

As she realizes I'm an utter goof trying to be a good guy she starts asking me questions, and lots of them. Usually I get extremely annoyed when I get asked a thousand questions, but every single one of there questions were completely justified. She wanted to know who they were for, what colours, how much I wanted to spend, what my favourite colour was, what her favourite colour was. Like the girl was unreal.

Thanks to hear I came out with a beautiful bouquet and I wanted the world to know that we need to seek raises for these women because they are geniuses and without them, I'm willing to bet the amount of single men in the world would be significantly higher.

Monday, September 21, 2009


There is absolutely nothing I hate more than being injured. Watching your teammates and friends participating in something they love towards a common goal, and you have to sit on the sidelines and watch. I swear the way to my heart is through sports, and if you want to crush me all you have to do is take my sports away!

Now I'm playing on a team that has the opportunity to win a championship. I've never been on a team that has been able to compete for a championship, and the opportunity just seems so amazing. I can't sit on the sidelines and watch our team mould and become great. I will do whatever it takes to be on the field.

Impossible Is Nothing.

Sunday, September 20, 2009

Men's Rugby, Game 1


That's what you'll hear when you're sitting in the stands of a Loyalist College Men's Rugby home game. My famous saying as I start the beginning of each game. It's to let the team know that I want the ball, and I want to win. Nobody settles for second place, nobody.

As a senior member of the team I know how much the rookies look up to me for support and mentoring. I understand my role is transitioning from a second year phenom to a third year star. I kind of admire the transition and what it's doing to my confidence.

Yesterday, Saturday September 19, 2009, the men's rugby team beat the Fleming Auks 30-22. Although the score looks close, the game was not. We simply allowed the other team to score on mental errors, and lack of communication. A fault that will certainly not go unpunished at monday's practice. The team showed grit and speed playing a team that outweighed ours by thousands of pounds (literally).

I am very impressed with the way the team came together to get the victory, and I'm looking forward to the next game.



This is the first time I think I've ever put my thoughts onto a public reading domain. So please feel free to respond and let me know how you feel I have written on each blog.

I just want to first of all thank everyone for coming and reading what I have to say. Although sometimes it will be complete gibberish, such as "Gimme those cookies" or "WHATTTTTTTUPPPPP." I will always try to make sure most of the nonsense that comes from my lips is of the English language, and makes perfectly good sense.

To those who don't know me very well, I'm first and foremost an athlete followed directly by a clown. My whole purpose in life is to laugh and to make others laugh, generally which is at someone else's expense. (I apologize in advance if that someone is you.) I love to put smiles on peoples faces even if it means that I have to poke fun at myself. Which is very easily done if I don't say so myself.

I feel privledged to have been able to take the Public Relations course at Loyalist College as I know it will teach me skills that are going to be extremely resourceful as I enter the working world. I've heard nothing but possitive feedback about Kerry Ramsey and the program, so I'm looking forward to what the future has instore.

So for now I want to thank everyone for reading, and there is a post to follow very shortly regarding the results of the Loyalist College Men's Rugby first season game.
